What is paint correction (compound/polish) and a ceramic coating?

Compounding & Polishing are methods of correcting defects in a vehicle’s paint, but they do so in different amounts. A compound acts like sand paper to eliminate light scratches, watermarks, and other imperfections from the clear coat of a car’s paint.

Polishing, typically done after compounding, acts as a finer grit sandpaper to further eliminate scratches, get rid of any remaining contaminants, oxidation, & anything the compounding step did not remove.

After the compound/polish steps are done, applying a ceramic coating is the best, next step to ensure your car looks the best & is protected the best. A ceramic coating provides an extra layer of protection from the sun’s UV rays, which cause he paint to fade over time. It easily repels water, protecting the paint from rust, helps repel dirt & mud, & makes the car more resistant to scratches from wear & tear. Ceramic Coatings keep your vehicle cleaner between car washes & makes the car easier to clean due to is protective repelling power. With proper maintenance, ceramic coatings can last between 2-5 years.




Ceramic Coating

*Paint correction does not have to include both compounding and polishing. If your car’s paint does not have many defects, you may just only need a polish. If the paint is in more rough shape, then we would recommend getting both.

With Sweet Lemons, we do not charge extra if you get both a compound and polish. Whether you need one or both, our price stays the same.

Want to learn more about our detail that includes paint correction/ceramic coating, click below to learn about our Super Sweet Lemon Detail!

Atlanta ceramic coating

Why you should choose our Atlanta Ceramic Coating Service

Getting ceramic coating protection is an investment that will pay off for years to come. Scratches and marks that accumulate from years of driving without protection can leave permanent damage to your vehicle’s paint if not treated properly. Ceramic coatings keep your car looking clean in-between washes and make it easier to clean, with its hydrophobic properties making dirt and grime clean right off.

If your car’s paint is looking dull and faded, losing its gloss and shine, or if you want to drive your car’s value up to sell, our ceramic coating services can get your car looking its best in no time!

We are the best mobile detailing service you will ever need because of our:

  1. Transparent Pricing

  2. 100% Mobility; We Come Straight To You

  3. Professional Service & Communication

  4. Attention To Detail EVERY SINGLE TIME!

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